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Passing Audition Information

Passing by John Sowalsky is a new play set in Germany and Connecticut between 1945 and 2020. It will be presented as part of this year's Capital Fringe Festival. Mr. Sowalsky’s work has been featured at several past Capital Fringe Festivals, at the Kennedy Center, The Playwrights’ Collaborative, and elsewhere. The play will be directed by Harley Venton, an AEA/SAG member with 40 years of professional acting and directing experience.

Each actor/understudy will play 2 female characters spanning the ages of 20’s, 40’s and mid-70’s. The rehearsal schedule will consist of four three-hour rehearsals per week between May 19 and July 10. The 5 performances for the Capital Fringe Festival will take place between July 11 and 24. A weekly stipend will be provided.

A link to the script can be found here.

Auditions will be held on:

  • Thursday, May 2nd from 7:30-10:30pm

  • Saturday, May 4th from 12:00-3:00pm

Callbacks will be held on Sunday, May 12th from 6:30-9:30pm


St. James Episcopal Church
11815 Seven Locks Road
Potomac, MD 20854

Note: Auditions will be held in the Undercroft, located in the back of the building, so you should use the rear, lower-level parking lot.

Auditions will be in 15-minute increments and may be scheduled by using the SignUp Genius link here.

You should choose 2 pages from each of the three time periods of the play for reading purposes (i.e., 2 pages from Scenes 1 or 4; 2 pages from Scenes 2 or 3; and 2 pages from Scene 5). You will also be asked to fill out an availability schedule for the rehearsal and performance periods.

We look forward to seeing you!

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